Have you ever lived a single day of your life the way you would if you knew that day were your last day on planet earth?
Sheep are dumb indeed.
This is such an easy concept to consider, and such a hard one to commit to living. Oh if it were in my power I'd cause you to see each moment as being as significant as it is! Friend, I wish I lived this way more often as well. Few things pour cold water in our faces like persecution and hardship. Extremely impoverished Christians seem to pray more fervently. Believers who live in areas where they could be murdered for their faith seem to live more intensely. Do you wish you lived your Christian life more intensely? with a more singular focus?
Call me psycho but I pray God allows persecution to come and invade our land. Not because I want to see people suffer; but because I want to see the true Church of Jesus Christ flourish.
Will Not God Hear Them?
Do you know how many saints have been praying for revival in our land? Tons. Because of the internet I am able to meet some of them, and read others prayers and work. A remnant pleads persistently with their Master for fire to fall from heaven, to purge sloth and apathy. Lip service prevails; sacrificial living is scarcely found. Things that are well and good are abused and become weights (Hebrews 12:1-2); things that are essential in the life seeking to "imitate God" are neglected and forgotten. If God chastens us severely, if He IS chastening you severely, it is for your joy. Fullness of Joy is the presence of Jesus consuming a life. You will only taste of His sweetness when you embrace the life of a Jesus follower.
Break Free from the American Dream
The West gulps down fantasy jargon all the day long. Its a tease and nothing more. A mirage and nothing less. Find the right person and you'll be happy. Pursue the right job and you'll be content. Make enough money and you'll have fun. Buy lots of toys and joy will be yours. Look attractive and sexy will satisfy. blah blah blah blah blah. Christians fall for this even when they know it's not true. They just join Jesus to the mix. With Jesus a good wife will make me happy. With Jesus central, a nice job will make me content. Now that I have Jesus, having money will be fun fun fun. You got your Jesus, church friends, nice youth group for the kids, cool toys at home, bookshelf full of blasphemous movies; and life is, or will be, good. Right?
Im not against most of the things I listed above. Not at all. Im just against any of those things being a pursuit of anyone who professes to be a follower of Jesus. Pursuing those things will leave you with little to no desire for serious prayer. Spending your life on those things will prevent you from joining Jesus in His global mission to call home His elect. Wasting your life on trifles will dumb down your zeal for the glory of God. With reference to Works, Jesus spoke harshly to professing Christians in Laodicea, in the book of Revelation. He said they were lukewarm and not hot, and that He would Judge those who were lukewarm if they did not repent. I dont care if you believe once saved, always saved and you're good to go; if the consistent pattern of your life, with regards to works, is one of lukewarmness, Jesus will judge you. Please repent if thats you.
Awake O' Zion
You might not be called to go to North Korea, but do you seriously think the only way for you to know you are is if you are made to by God? Some people wait until God makes them do things and then they confirm it was a calling. Are we not called to pray and fast and be hot? Is it right to wait for God to send fire when He's provided the means for us to live with zeal now? Do you think everyone who has went on the foreign mission field did so because they had a deep joy when they thought about it? Whatever happened to suffering being the road to glory? and sacrifice being the mark of a disciple? Do we seek luxury when our Master lived as He did?
Jesus knew exactly who would believe and who wouldn't; did that temper His passion for sacrificing time and resources in order to love and evangelize the lost? You'd think, given how so many Christians live in the West, that Jesus would have lived comfortably, and simply avoided wasting His time with those He knew weren't gonna repent.
That His Name be praised
Ever thought of adopting a clan and being used of God to bless and nurture orphans? Ever considered learning a new language and culture to bring the Gospel where Jesus isn't named? Have you ever prayed about selling all you have and giving the money to a God-glorifying cause? Have you ever considered how God might want to use you to reach your city? Have you ever spent an entire night with God, asking Him how you might best redeem your time on a daily basis? Have you ever desired His name be praised that strongly?
We all have different callings; in each of them we should strive to magnify the worth of Jesus to the glory of God as effectively as we are able to. Not redeeming the time means you're wasting it; and wasting your time means you're probably living in a way you wouldn't live if you knew today were your last day on the earth. Redeem the time. Revival starts now. Tomorrow is guaranteed to no one. Choose the path of sacrifice and love.