My deep concern right now is that a deception looms over the broader evangelical world, which says that theology and doctrine are secondary concerns at best, and unecessary to be focused on at all, at worst. This mindset, though often only due to ignorance, undermines the very core of our Christian faith.
It must be recognized that God has chosen to speak to His people through a Book, and that this Book obviously must be read. Therefore, we can know for certain that God calls His people to be a thinking people. But more than that, this Book contains knowledge in it which can be difficult to understand. For even Peter said, "Paul, according to the wisdom given him, wrote to you, as also in all his letters... in which are some things hard to understand, which the untaught and unstable distort, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures, to their own destruction" (2 Peter 3:15-16). First, let us recognize that Peter affirms Paul's writings as Scripture, when he puts them in a category with "the rest of the Scriptures". Secondly, Peter clearly affirms that the Bible does in fact contain teachings in it which are difficult to understand.
There's a false assumption in existence which thinks we're called to just send as many missionaries out onto the field as possible, and as quickly as possible. But did not Jesus disciple the eleven for three years? Was there not much learning to be done? Was not Paul discipled by Christ for years? Did not Paul train and teach Timothy prior to sending him out? Beloved, I echo the truth Paul Washer so boldly states in regards to this issue: "Missions is not about sending missionaries; missions is about sending truth". Do we compromise on doctrine in the name of Kingdom service? Do we compromise on doctrine in the name of Christian love and unity? If so, be assured it is a false love and unity being held.
God demands to be worshipped "in spirit AND TRUTH" (John 4:24). But how often do we neglect studying the nature of God? How often do we fail to teach new believers about WHO the God of the Bible is? He is not just "love" as many proclaim. The fullness of God's nature must be taught to believers and unbelievers alike. If you cannot list the Biblical attributes and characteristics of God, essential to true worship (with some verse references), then please, to your knees with His Word!
In Colossians 1:5, Paul says, "of which you previously heard in the word of truth, the gospel which has come to you". How often is the gospel proclaimed in error? Essential elements are neglected, while a substitute is presented. The gospel is foolishness to those who are perishing, but it saves those who God calls to Himself. Friends, the gospel message is often mispresented because some don't take the time to study it and learn what it is (Ephesians 6:15).
"Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman, one who does not need to be ashmamed, accurately handling the word of truth" (2 Timothy 2:15). Oh precious saints... ought you to be ashamed for neglecting the word of truth? This command applies to us all! Are you guilty of studying and learning just enough to get by? Or God forbid, not at all! TAKE THE TIME to glean and gain inspiration from godly men of old. Truth is old. "New" truth is no truth at all. In years past God used many men for His glory. These men were Theologians, Revivalists, Pastors, Teachers, lovers of God and lovers of truth. I encourage you to study and read the works of such men as: C.H. Spurgeon, Jonathan Edwards, John Calvin, Samuel Rutherford, Jeremiah Burroughs, Walter Chantry, James Petigru Boyce etc.
Standing before a council, the high priest charged the apostles with, "filling Jerusalem with doctrine" (Acts 5:28). Could that charge be brought against you? Or are you, in stark contrast to the Apostles, being "carried about by every wind of doctrine"? Let us be able to "both exhort with sound doctrine, and refute those who contradict" (Titus 1:9).
The false notion mentioned at the beginning of this "note" tends to carry the idea with it that being too into theology will only make your head swell with pride. But how foolish! True theology ought only to drive you to your knees in humility. True theology is what the church and the world need. Through it God equips us for service, missions, evangelism, outreach, discipleship etc. But more than that even, through sound doctrine we commune with the Living God, and are conformed by Him into the image of His Son. Christ was never for any type of unity which compromised truth. God ordained for us to know Him first and foremost through learning of Him. Tremble at His Word, and yet know that Christ stepped behind the veil so that we might as well! Reverently seek the deep things of God! Solid doctrine and Biblical theology, if carefully applied in our daily lives, will result in God being glorified. And isn't that our one true aim in life? Soli Deo Gloria!
Thomas Karrer